Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Our Online Self Defense Course made it to the Top 23

"Self Defense for Badass Women: Strike to Injure and Escape" made the list of the 23 Best Online Courses on Self Defense. Check out the review here -  https://www.onlinecoursesreview.org/self-defense/

Free Flow Academy's Self Defense Curriculum "Survival Science" was developed by Co-Founders Lon and Elle Beyer, and Martial Arts/Biomechanist Colton Fuller.  Professional Video and Photography by Michael Poole

The course was originally released online via 4 free videos with the option to buy the full course.  

Now the full course is offered on Udemy and Skillshare.  

The self defense course was designed as a direct response to the human trafficking issue in Sacramento County.  In 2013 the FBI ranked Sacramento as the second worst city in the US for human trafficking.  Martial Arts Expert/Co-Founder of Free Flow Academy - Elle Beyer decided to create a curriculum specifically for young girls and women ages 12-34 (the highest risk group for sexual assault and human trafficking).  She recruited her husband Shifu Lon Beyer, and colleagues Colton Fuller and Michael Poole to get on board with the project. She believed the best way to train the highest risk group for sexual assault, was to give them the complete and honest truth about the nature of being attacked.  She herself being nearly kidnapped and raped on two separate occasions (one of which was a near gang rape).  Her escape from the attackers had a profound effect on her, and was the catalyst for devoting so much of her time and energy into studying martial arts.  

After 15+ years of training she came to realize that training will do nothing for you, if you don't know how to play the mind game with the attackers. She delves into the "Dark Triad" and teaches practical psychology, so that young women can understand how they are being manipulated.  Most sexual assaults are committed by people they know and even trust.  Human Trafficking is a lifestyle that many girls are "lured" into through manipulation and exploitation.  Rather than teaching a multitude of techniques that cause information overload, she focuses on principles of movement, getting into shape, and finding a deep and primal will to survive at all cost.  "You're Life is Worth Protecting" is the motto. 

Other than the mental training, she teaches principles of movement, and how understanding the laws of physics is helpful, not because you can use it to your advantage, but because you know it will be your disadvantage.  A predator always preys on someone they think they can outsmart or physically dominate.  So she went out into the field, into downtown Sac, nearby parks, ect... to test their principles of movement on willing strangers/volunteers.  She would always pick the biggest guy around.  She had men 225 lb or larger restrain her, pull her hair, mount her, strangle her... Most of the techniques and principles worked.  But one time she had to fight off a trained MMA fighter.  As usual, the fight is always ugly, never goes as planned, and you have to continue to fight, even if you are raped.  Fighting for your life is primal, and there is no "one technique" that will save you.  You have to understand a few basic principles - fighting back verbally, attack to create space/injure, and flee. 

The course was recently voted TOP 23 ONLINE SELF DEFENSE COURSES


1 comment:

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