According to Google "Fitness" is defined as: The condition of being physically fit and healthy.
...So to be clear, fitness is health. Health and fitness is one in the same.
To me, "Fitness" means - Optimum and ideal FUNCTION of the body we have, personal fulfillment, long life.
To others, "Fitness" may mean - Muscular, slender, toned, tan, white teeth
At some point in your life, you were probably brainwashed into thinking that "Fitness" meant one of the above definitions. And here's the truth, and it may be to the surprise of millions, but one of the above definitions is totally WRONG. One of the above definitions is completely, totally off the mark. Can you guess which one?
Meanwhile - here is a picture of Kristin Rhodes.
I would say she is fit. That would be because she is a 5x world champion strongman athlete. She is also an inspiration to the world, mother of 3, owns her own business, and is downright awesome. Her body seems to function at her optimum/ideal. She seems as fulfilled as any human could ever be. A champion, a family, travel and leisure, awesome body, and personally fulfilling mission.
Here's another picture of Kristin

... just because we love to admire her.
Alright - so now that a picture is worth a thousand words, you can see my point yeah? Fitness does not mean muscular, slender, toned, tan, white teeth. Actually... the shape of fitness is rather no mold at all. It can come in many forms!
Check out the Vegetarian Shaolin Monks playing soccor. Soccor isn't their sport. Kung Fu is what they are known for. But it looks like they have fun with soccor too.
Oh and let's not forget, the 100 lb. 5'0 first female to dominate American Ninja Warrior - Kacy Catanzaro.
I don't understand. It doesn't make sense. How is she so strong! So agile! So.... so... FIT!
Isn't it interesting to note, that our extremities can only bend one direction, with a few varying degrees, yet have LIMITLESS applications! It's really, truly, incredible.
So how fit are YOU? And what more would you like to achieve? Ignore the following images below, for they are lies. Actually, never mind - not going to post those images at all. Simply being on the internet will bombard you with images of tan and oily 6 packs, promises to lose fat, and be the BEST YOU by spending money on weight loss pills, miracle diet plans, and more. The "Fitness" industry is the most advertised industry in the world, probably because it's a $60 Billion dollar industry. That's right. People are spending $60 billion dollars on this industry alone. WHAT?? But, there is only 6 billion people on this planet. So if we're spending $60 Billion dollars, shouldn't the whole world be healthy and fit 10x over? I don't understand... it just makes no sense. People are starving, people are dieing of heart disease, people are... totally and completely NOT fit!!!!!
I have a theory on that. That would be because we don't actually understand what Fitness is. Our understanding is very shallow, very... dare I say it... "Molded". Dude, we have been brainwashed.
So now that we have the word "Fitness" clearly defined, and can reprogram ourselves to think in truths, let's move on to your optimum and ideal function. First off, fitness should not feel like an obligation. It's a natural human desire to be healthy, to be fit. In order to be healthy, to be fit, you need to move, you need to play, you need to fuel your body with good quality fuel and calories. Next time someone tries to convince you that you need to take in 70 grams of protein for breakfast, you can most likely ignore that advice. It really boils down to what you are trying to achieve, what function you are trying to attain. You need to always, define your goals. Next, have fun! Life is meant to be lived, the journey part is the BEST part. The destination is secondary to the actual journey. Have fun, have joy - this is the purpose.
And lastly, your body is a gift. Love it for how it was made. Every body has it's own ideal/optimum function.
Inspired much? Feeling a tingling of gratitude? You should. Because you and your body is amazing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
If anyone tries to make you feel bad about you and your body, it's because they are trying to reach into your wallet. Or because there are dark forces around us - who want us to feel miserable about our incredible gift, because those dark forces do not have what we have. A body. Amazing, incredible, body.
Be hopeful, cherish, love your gift. And don't let a multi-billion dollar industry brainwash you. Resist it! CRUSH IT!!! Look at yourself in the mirror, and admire your beauty. If you can't see it, understand you have been brainwashed. Your beauty is there. Look beyond the many filters the dark matrix has placed upon you. Admire that your eyes, your brain, can process images, that you can pick up a safety pin, that you can roll over, that you can read and process these words and letters!!!! It's freaking AMAZING!!!
With that said - have a beautiful day and play safe!
- Elle