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Welcome to the Parkour & Performing Arts Center Official Blog! Here we discuss and explore the industry of movement arts, fitness, and nutrition.
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Monday, October 8, 2018
Free Flow Academy Instructor Bio - Coach Mike
Coach Mike is a front desk manager, Media Academy Instructor, and all around Mover. Coach Mike has trained in Kung Fu, Parkour, Tumbling, and Aerial Silks and enjoys it all. His handstands are legit too. With a construction and media background, Coach Mike is a huge asset on the building design of Free Flow Academy's structures, as well as our Media department and marketing. All of the awesome pictures and videos are done by Mike. Anytime you need to talk about anything technical, politics, religion, movement... he's the guy to talk to. He is a human encyclopedia, but friendly and fun, so you are bound to learn a ton with every conversation, and have a lot of laughs.
He was a recent guest on our podcast - check it out!
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Another sweet shot done by Michael Poole |
Free Flow Academy Instructor Bio - Coach Chris
Coach Chris started off as a Free Flow Academy student, then an apprentice, and now is a Senior Coach and Private Event Manager. Chris is known for his acrobatic skills and being a versatile athlete and performer. Coach Chris teaches Parkour/Freerunning and Tumbling classes, and his students enjoy his love of advanced tricks and dynamic moves that are visually stunning and fun to practice. He also performs Parkour/Freerunning and Tumbling, and is a skilled Aerialist.
Free Flow Academy Instructor Bio - Coach Joe
Coach Joe has been with Free Flow Academy since it's humble beginnings. First as a drop in open gym'er, then as an apprentice, and now a Senior Coach and Manager. Free Flow Staff first took notice of Joe's amazing jumping ability, and as a teen, he was close to breaking the world record box jump. His jumping technique sets him apart from other athletes, as well as his love for the arts. He is a performer, musician, artist, entrepreneur, and a world class Parkour athlete. Humble and friendly, and completely badass, Coach Joe is the guy to know.
Follow him on Instagram
Follow him on Instagram
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Free Flow Academy Instructor Bio - Coach Abi
Coach Abi came to Free Flow Academy first as a student, then an apprentice, and now a beloved coach among many Free Flow Academy students. Coach Abi is known for her ability to break down skills extremely well, and being organized. Kind but Firm is her approach, and students are expected to be on time and to work hard. She has a very unique artistic style and voice in the Aerial community, and is a creative talent in the visual arts. Besides being an Aerial Artist, she is also a photographer and visual artist, and she has a knack for choreography, putting together interesting and original works of movement art for her personal pieces, and for her students and colleagues.
Free Flow Academy Instructor Bio - Coach Jewelle
Coach Jewelle is a Navy Vet, badass chick, with a great energy. She completed a 3 month Aerial Silks apprenticeship and 2 month Lyra Internship at Free Flow Academy, and has been training in Aerial Silks and Lyra for more than 6 years. She's a very inspiring individual as she's overcome a lot of challenges pertaining to her relationship with her body. She is an amazing artist and athlete and is a force of talent. She performs professionally all around the State at festivals and corporate shows. She currently teaches Aerial Silks and Lyra. She is also known for her amazing hoop dance talents.
Free Flow Academy Instructor Bio - Coach Grace
Coach Grace has been with Free Flow Academy since 2016, first as a student, then an apprentice and now a Senior Aerial Instructor. Grace has a classical dance (jazz/ballet) and gymnastics background. After finding Aerial Silks, she decided to make Aerial a main focus, and is now an Aerial Silks veteran having been trained all over the US (East Coast, West Coast, Mid West, and even Hawaiian Islands). She has a good grasp on how Aerial is being taught and developed on the Western Hemisphere. She has spent the last decade living nomadically, she's extremely intelligent, cultured, and has a warm heart. Her students find her to be very nurturing and an inspiring creative talent.
A Note from Coach Grace: I am super passionate about teaching, even more so than performing. I really enjoy seeing my students grow in self confidence by facing any fears and realizing their potential. It's my goal to help my students grow every time I see them.

Friday, June 22, 2018
Parkour Olympic Challenge Results - June 2018 Summer Camps
Parkour Olympic Challenge is an event that takes place on the Friday of every summer camp. Here we test skills in a friendly competitive setting, to give the kids a chance to grow, and try their movement discipline in the form of an organized sport. It's an opportunity to recognize the strengths of the students and build character through teamwork and sportsmanship.
Each student has a chance to practice self-mastery through the study of a Movement Discipline. It's important each child understands that they can be a part of a supportive and positive community, that will encourage and challenge the individual, to exceed their own expectations.
6/11 Parkour & Freerunning Summer Camp
Tortals - Michael, Nicholas, Cal, Rylie, Gaia
Best Name - Tim, Jonathan, Andrew, Tyler
Flosceraptors - Easton, Reed, Brody, Nathan, Zachary
Each student has a chance to practice self-mastery through the study of a Movement Discipline. It's important each child understands that they can be a part of a supportive and positive community, that will encourage and challenge the individual, to exceed their own expectations.
6/11 Parkour & Freerunning Summer Camp
Tortals - Michael, Nicholas, Cal, Rylie, Gaia
Best Name - Tim, Jonathan, Andrew, Tyler
Flosceraptors - Easton, Reed, Brody, Nathan, Zachary
Thief Precision - Flosceraptors
Kong Precision - Best Name
Precision - Best Name
Running Precision - Best Name
Longest Hang - Flosceraptors
5 Cat Climb Ups for time - Tortals
Warped wall - Flosceraptors
Tallest Wall Run - Best Name
Cat to Cat - Flosceraptors
Longest time Rail Balance On Feet - Flosceraptors
Longest time Rail Balance Quadrupedal Movement - Flosceraptors
Longest Handstand - Tortals
6/18 Parkour & Tumbling Summer Camp
Thief Precision - Matteo
Kong Precision - Will
Precision - Matteo
Running Precision - Matteo
Longest Hang - Nico
5 Cat Climb Ups for time - Nico
Warped wall - Matteo
Tallest Wall Run - Matteo
Longest dist Rail Balance On Feet - Dominic
Longest dist Rail Balance Quadrupedal Movement - Matteo
Longest time Rail Balance On Feet - Nico
Longest time Rail Balance Quadrupedal Movement - Nico
Longest Handstand - Chase
Best Foam Pit Trick - Will
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Our Online Self Defense Course made it to the Top 23
"Self Defense for Badass Women: Strike to Injure and Escape" made the list of the 23 Best Online Courses on Self Defense. Check out the review here -
The course was originally released online via 4 free videos with the option to buy the full course.
Now the full course is offered on Udemy and Skillshare.
Now the full course is offered on Udemy and Skillshare.
The self defense course was designed as a direct response to the human trafficking issue in Sacramento County. In 2013 the FBI ranked Sacramento as the second worst city in the US for human trafficking. Martial Arts Expert/Co-Founder of Free Flow Academy - Elle Beyer decided to create a curriculum specifically for young girls and women ages 12-34 (the highest risk group for sexual assault and human trafficking). She recruited her husband Shifu Lon Beyer, and colleagues Colton Fuller and Michael Poole to get on board with the project. She believed the best way to train the highest risk group for sexual assault, was to give them the complete and honest truth about the nature of being attacked. She herself being nearly kidnapped and raped on two separate occasions (one of which was a near gang rape). Her escape from the attackers had a profound effect on her, and was the catalyst for devoting so much of her time and energy into studying martial arts.
After 15+ years of training she came to realize that training will do nothing for you, if you don't know how to play the mind game with the attackers. She delves into the "Dark Triad" and teaches practical psychology, so that young women can understand how they are being manipulated. Most sexual assaults are committed by people they know and even trust. Human Trafficking is a lifestyle that many girls are "lured" into through manipulation and exploitation. Rather than teaching a multitude of techniques that cause information overload, she focuses on principles of movement, getting into shape, and finding a deep and primal will to survive at all cost. "You're Life is Worth Protecting" is the motto.
Other than the mental training, she teaches principles of movement, and how understanding the laws of physics is helpful, not because you can use it to your advantage, but because you know it will be your disadvantage. A predator always preys on someone they think they can outsmart or physically dominate. So she went out into the field, into downtown Sac, nearby parks, ect... to test their principles of movement on willing strangers/volunteers. She would always pick the biggest guy around. She had men 225 lb or larger restrain her, pull her hair, mount her, strangle her... Most of the techniques and principles worked. But one time she had to fight off a trained MMA fighter. As usual, the fight is always ugly, never goes as planned, and you have to continue to fight, even if you are raped. Fighting for your life is primal, and there is no "one technique" that will save you. You have to understand a few basic principles - fighting back verbally, attack to create space/injure, and flee.
The course was recently voted TOP 23 ONLINE SELF DEFENSE COURSES
Friday, June 8, 2018
Parkour Olympic Challenge Events and Registration
Our Next Parkour Olympic Challenge take place Fall 2018! Stay tuned on upcoming details. In the meantime take a look at the events, get with your coach and see what you can work on.
Parkour Olympic Challenge
Thief Precision
Kong Precision
Running Precision
Highest Box Jump
Lache Precision
Lache Cat
Longest Hang
5 Cat Climb Ups for time
Dyno For Height
Most Muscle ups (Classes - W/ Elbows, and w/o Elbows)
Most Pull Overs
Tallest Wall Run
Cat to Cat
Tac to Precision
100m run
400m run
800m run
Longest Rail Balance On Feet
Longest Rail Balance Quadrupedal Movement
Quietest Backflip
Highest Front Flip
Furthest Side Flip
Longest Handstand
Friday, May 25, 2018
Intro Aerial Silks Class Skill Sheet
We Strongly Recommend all free trials and new students attend an Intro Aerial Silks Class and check off the following skills before attending a Beginner Level Aerial Silks Class. We want to start you off with success and give you a strong foundation, so you can continue to build skills and sequences. You are not required to attend an Intro class (you can do your free trial in a Beginner Level), but you will get the most value by attending an Intro Class when first starting out. If you have any questions, feel free to direct the to the front desk:
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Hip Balance (while spinning) |
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Movement as a Modality for Personal Development and Play Based Learning
I'll admit. The past 6 years have been a wild ride. Opening Free Flow Academy has been the most challenging and rewarding projects I have ever done. You have to be a gladiator to own a business. Sometimes you do it to honor something greater than yourself. Sometimes you do it for the challenge. Sometimes you do it for the money. I didn't do it for the money. I did it for the challenge and for the opportunity. I can assure you, this has never been, and never will be for money. I've been told that's BS. Everyone goes into business to make money. If you don't, you die. I will say, I do it for sustainability. I want to devote myself to movement and creativity and be able to pay the bills while I'm at it. I want to inspire people to move dynamically, because simply put, I love movement. It changes people for the better. It changes people at the molecular and cellular level. And it makes this world a better place. I feel truly blessed I don't wake up in the morning having to prepare myself to perform open heart surgery on a 6 year old. I'm so grateful for the people in this world that can withstand that kind of work related intellectual and emotional stress. I get to wake up and work with kids and adults, to better their life in some small way. I get to educate and teach in many different forms, from teaching classes, to workshops, to online curriculum, to storytelling. To me, it's all teaching. My job is simple. To help prepare people for their world. To give them the tools they need to cope with the challenges they will face. To give them a greater sense of belonging and connection to this world and to the people in it. I think what I do is a form of preventative medicine. And it's also a form of Warrior Training.
I write this post as an open journal. To explain my thoughts on play-based learning. At this point in my career I have taught thousands of students. I've taught students Kung Fu, Dance, Acting, and Parkour. Every discipline offers something unique and extremely valuable. All of them build character, and teach practitioners a mindset that will help them in life. Different individuals require different things. And different groups have different needs.
I have a group of students currently, who need a lot of creative ownership. They don't do well learning choreography. It's not empowering to them. It's rather stifling. So instead of having them do choreography and structured routines, I set some basic rules: 1) Warm-up and Stretching is Required 2) Your Commitment to Each Other is Required.
For this particular group, I decided play-based learning was the most effective approach. They must warm up and stretch with me. After that, I guide them through their own creativity and I play mediator. They get to be in charge and create their own dance. Here the creativity flows. They come up with all sorts of themes and ideas I would have never imagined. I give them pointers on how to make the movements they are creating more dynamic and graceful. But other than that, it's their brainchild. They work together as a team. And they must commit to each other's ideas. One student had trouble committing to the work of others. She didn't want to do anything if it wasn't her idea. She even hated her own ideas (not at first, but later when the dance wasn't panning out to her expectations). I worked with her on commitment and follow through, as well as listening to others. Being kind to her friends, and more importantly, being kind to herself. She needed constant reminders to not beat herself up. I think her becoming self aware of this habit is the most important thing she'll probably learn all year. Today was the first day she didn't complain once about the ideas of others. And today was also the first day she didn't beat herself up about some small mistake she thought she made.
As a teacher I hope to bridge communities. That is a spiritual calling I feel I have. But I also hope to inspire compassion and joy. As humans we have the power to create. We are the only species on the planet that can create life, technology, art in all of it's complexities, modes of transportation, energy, and even resources that sustain not only our lives, but all life on this planet! We need to find joy in our ability to create! But first we need to be aware of the power of creation. Creating is basically a super power and a gift. Recognizing it as such helps us find joy in that process. We create through play, and play helps us create. When my students make something, it might not be what I would have made for them. But it doesn't matter. In the grand scheme of things, the most important thing to achieve is realizing joy through your own work. And that is play-based learning. Play-based learning is finding joy through your own creation. And that is a life skill everyone can use. So get out there and play. Rechild Yourself!
- Ms. Elle
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Choreographer/Artistic Director - "Kadaash Zoku" Student Showcase |
I write this post as an open journal. To explain my thoughts on play-based learning. At this point in my career I have taught thousands of students. I've taught students Kung Fu, Dance, Acting, and Parkour. Every discipline offers something unique and extremely valuable. All of them build character, and teach practitioners a mindset that will help them in life. Different individuals require different things. And different groups have different needs.
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Free Flow Academy - Kung Fu Class |
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Horizon School District Guest Speaker - "Movement and Mental Health" |
I have a group of students currently, who need a lot of creative ownership. They don't do well learning choreography. It's not empowering to them. It's rather stifling. So instead of having them do choreography and structured routines, I set some basic rules: 1) Warm-up and Stretching is Required 2) Your Commitment to Each Other is Required.
For this particular group, I decided play-based learning was the most effective approach. They must warm up and stretch with me. After that, I guide them through their own creativity and I play mediator. They get to be in charge and create their own dance. Here the creativity flows. They come up with all sorts of themes and ideas I would have never imagined. I give them pointers on how to make the movements they are creating more dynamic and graceful. But other than that, it's their brainchild. They work together as a team. And they must commit to each other's ideas. One student had trouble committing to the work of others. She didn't want to do anything if it wasn't her idea. She even hated her own ideas (not at first, but later when the dance wasn't panning out to her expectations). I worked with her on commitment and follow through, as well as listening to others. Being kind to her friends, and more importantly, being kind to herself. She needed constant reminders to not beat herself up. I think her becoming self aware of this habit is the most important thing she'll probably learn all year. Today was the first day she didn't complain once about the ideas of others. And today was also the first day she didn't beat herself up about some small mistake she thought she made.
As a teacher I hope to bridge communities. That is a spiritual calling I feel I have. But I also hope to inspire compassion and joy. As humans we have the power to create. We are the only species on the planet that can create life, technology, art in all of it's complexities, modes of transportation, energy, and even resources that sustain not only our lives, but all life on this planet! We need to find joy in our ability to create! But first we need to be aware of the power of creation. Creating is basically a super power and a gift. Recognizing it as such helps us find joy in that process. We create through play, and play helps us create. When my students make something, it might not be what I would have made for them. But it doesn't matter. In the grand scheme of things, the most important thing to achieve is realizing joy through your own work. And that is play-based learning. Play-based learning is finding joy through your own creation. And that is a life skill everyone can use. So get out there and play. Rechild Yourself!
- Ms. Elle
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Free Flow Academy - Acting Class (Seasonally Offered through Media Academy) |
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Free Flow Academy - "Exploration Movement" Adventure Retreat Related Articles: #playbasedlearning #movement #movementculture #movemeant #exploration #education #kungfu #dance #parkour #performingarts #acting #lifeskills #personaldevelopment #coaching #lifecoaching |
Monday, April 2, 2018
Free Flow Academy Instructor Bio - Coach Will
Hello everyone, my name is Coach Will. I stumbled across parkour about 8 years ago and have loved training with the amazing crew that created Free Flow Academy. Prior to becoming a coach at Free Flow, I was a martial arts instructor for kids, and occasionally adults, for about 10 years. Through martial arts, I gained a healthy respect for structure and discipline, both of which are aspects I try to implement consistently in my class. I truly enjoy working with kids of all ages, and as a parent of three, I try to create a class that I would be happy to see my children in as well.
During class, my main focus for parkour is to keep movements simple and efficient. In the words of one my first parkour instructors, Victor, “Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.” My hope is to keep classes fun and engaging for all ages. Due to a busy full time work schedule, and being a husband and father, I am only able to manage one class on Monday, at 6:30. I vary rarely attend events, but I’ve done a few birthdays upon request. Hope to see you guys on Mondays!
Random facts: I play the guitar, ride a unicycle, can occasionally be seen wearing an inflatable dinosaur costume at events, and plan to become a school teacher. Oh, and I don’t yell. I just talk loud.
That's me in the Dinosaur Costume below. It's really hot.
Free Flow Academy Instructor Bio - Coach Eddy
Coach Eddy first started studying parkour at the age of 10 under Coach Corey (Co-Founder of Free Flow Academy). Eddy loves to work birthday parties and specializes in group involvement and group instruction. The group atmosphere can be both constructive and destructive in different situations, while distractions can lead to a loss in concentration. However, Eddy focuses on the idea of learning by the three main forms of instruction: auditory direction, presentation, and hands on learning to ensure kids stay safe and have a blast!
Personally, Eddy enjoys training in obstacle course format layouts, and incorporates them into his instruction. He believes that through a challenging course, not only are both short and long fibers conditioned for strength and endurance, it also brings the opportunity to take risks in a safe and controlled setting. In this, kids and adults learn proper and safe landing and bailing procedures applicable in everyday life while reducing injury in all circumstances. It also teaches the life skill of learning from one's mistakes and perseverance through difficulty.
Personally, Eddy enjoys training in obstacle course format layouts, and incorporates them into his instruction. He believes that through a challenging course, not only are both short and long fibers conditioned for strength and endurance, it also brings the opportunity to take risks in a safe and controlled setting. In this, kids and adults learn proper and safe landing and bailing procedures applicable in everyday life while reducing injury in all circumstances. It also teaches the life skill of learning from one's mistakes and perseverance through difficulty.
Free Flow Academy Instructor Bio - Coach Kage
My name is Kage Martin and I have been doing parkour for about four years now, two of which have been here at Free Flow Academy. I am very passionate about parkour because it is a sport that allows enough freedom to express yourself as an individual. The sport really encourages creativity and discovering new ways to link together moves and techniques to create something new, and that is what I think is so different and unique about parkour. Personally, I enjoy training and teaches vaults the most. Once you have practiced them enough, they begin to feel extremely natural and become second nature to the way you move. Vaults really change the way you look at obstacles and allow you to traverse them in ways you may have never thought of before. Aside from parkour, my favorite thing to do in my free time is tinker with electronics, especially computers. They are extremely fascinating to me, and I find the internals of computers very interesting. I definitely consider myself a huge geek in this area. I also volunteer as the sound lead at a local church, which involves setting up and tearing down all of our audio equipment and making sure the audio runs smoothly every week. I deeply enjoy being involved in the church and helping out where I can.
The PPAC Instructor Bio - Coach Corey
Coach Corey is Co-Founder of The PPAC
Corey is known to be one of the original founding members of the Sacramento Parkour community. Over the past decade he has trained thousands of students, and has certified and trained dozens of coaches. Corey is a major proponent of safe and sustainable training. His teaching and training methods have been used by multiple gyms in the Greater Sac region
Corey's Bio (in his own words):
I started playing around with common movements and helped build the community of Sacramento Parkour. At the time I didn't realize I was cultivating a community. I was just having fun, doing something I was, and still passionate about. Studying the discipline of Parkour brought me to the knowledge of how the human body functions and moves. But more importantly, it opened my mind to all of it's possibilities.
I applied my knowledge and passion in a variety of ways, from working at a physical therapy center to hosting community jams, and working for local gymnastic centers. I also toured Europe, backpacking and spending time with Parkour Generation Affiliates.
Parkour led me to so many different and interesting experiences, so I decided to fully commit to spreading Parkour by opening an Academy with my friends Elle and Lon Beyer. We decided to make a business out of what we are most passionate about, and create a place where we could cultivate a love for movement in a safe and comfortable environment.
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